Hello Everyone!!
Oh. My. Goodness. Congratulations to one of my MTC teachers, Sister Brock, for getting engaged!!!!!! I am so extremely happy for her!! I can hardly contain myself right now!!!
Alrighty.... This week was a little hard because Sister Bengtzen didn't feel too great on Tuesday, so we had to stay in for a couple of hours, and I was so sick on Thursday so we had to stay in for pretty much the whole day. It was t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. Being sick = no bueno. But! We are both feeling sooo much better! So don't anybody fret about us :)
Nevertheless us being sick... we still saw miracles this week! One day while we were out finding we used the referral question of service. If they knew anyone who needed it or if they needed it themselves. Every single person rejected us, so we decided that we were going to switch up our question a little bit. The very next house we went to we had this overwhelming feeling to ask about service. We decided to ask the man who lived there even though we thought it might've been ineffective, and he accepted!! No way right?! He accepted us raking his leaves up for him! So we went back the next day and did, after we were done we knocked on their door and his wife answered, her heart had softened so much and she was just so happy! We told her that as representatives of Jesus Christ we shared a message about how our families can be eternal, and she was so excited to hear that! She wants to learn more!! This week we are having lunch with her and sharing the message of the Restoration. We are so grateful that we followed that prompting, and that we have this opportunity to teach her, I just love her and her family so much and I hardly know them at all!! Another miracle that occurred this week is that we were in an apartment complex where so many of our less active members live. We were knocking on one of their doors and they did not answer but this guy named Chris poked his head out the door across the hall and started asking us so many questions about our religion! He invited us inside and we taught him and Fallon, his wife, the message of the Restoration, and we answered so many of their questions and concerns they had about the gospel. I was so happy! It really just showed Sister Bengtzen and I that we should never judge anyone. We thought this man was the creepiest man ever and last transfer we made a promise to each other that we would not teach him. We were soooo wrong and we felt soooo bad. So now we are teaching him and his wife, and I absolutely love them to pieces!!
This week in my studies I came upon this verse.... It's pretty common... but I love love LOVE it! it says.... "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." With my companion and I both being sick this week, this was a good reminder to be happy, and to not complain! If we give any burden we have to the Lord, he will be able to help us through it and we will be able to feel the joy!! My challenge for you this week is to give any burden or trial you are going through to our Savior, Jesus Christ, and I can promise you as you do so, that you will be able to feel the joy and the love our Heavenly Father has for you!
Sorry this email is pretty short...and not all that descriptive about my week.... haha I'll try to be better next week! I love and miss you all so much! Have the best week ever!!
Sister Rook
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A visit with sister Gardner |
Last week on Halloween we went to the pumpkin patch and of course had to take a picture in a HUGE chair :)
In Nebraska... you obviously have to have a corn pit... and of course me being Sister Rook I fell hahaha
A picture of me falling :D
We got to speak at Young Women's in Excellence! I love all of these young women so so SO much!!
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