#crazyweek #thisweekabouttobeevenmorecrazy
Hi Fam!!
This week was so crazy but so so awesome! When you are looking for the Lord's hand in your life, you are always able to see it! His hand was definitely all over our week this week!
Tuesday: It started out by going to the Temple! The temple is always such an incredible place to be- I am always able to receive so much revelation for not only me but for the investigators that we have and for the companionship I am in. That is always the best way to start out the week, by going into the Lord's home!
Wednesday: We had lunch with Brittany Simpson. Her husband is a less active member but she is not, and we shared with her our purpose as missionaries, and she is interested in learning more and coming to church with us! She is not able to meet with us this week because of her husband's hip surgery, but the week after she is able too! It is just incredible to see how Heavenly Father has helped us to get in contact with Part Member families, and that they are interested!
Friday: Zone Conference was incredible as usual! We are so excited to be teaching the restoration with the whole focus on Baptism and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands! It truly changes the whole thing and just makes it so much clearer. Later that night we had dinner with Felicia and Cliff, and Felicia told us that she wants to be baptized on the 21st!! About 2 weeks ago we committed her to be baptized on that day and she remembered and since she has been coming to church every single week, and she is keeping all the commandments and truly living the gospel, she is able to! Felicia is so happy! Which makes my heart so happy as well!
Saturday: We were able to go with Felicia to Tammy's baptism in Council Bluffs. It was so incredible! She felt the spirit so strongly and she just had an increased desire to be a part of Christ's true church. After the baptism she had her baptismal interview by Elder Westenskow, and afterwards she was literally glowing. She had such an incredible light around her and she absolutely knows that this is what our Heavenly Father would be having her do! It was so happy!
Sunday: The change that this ward has gone through since I have been here is crazy. The first week I was here The members somewhat trusted us, but there was definitely room for improvement! Now members are always coming up to us and asking how they can help- it is so incredible! Yesterday so many people were asking what they could do to help with the baptism, so now it is basically planned! It reminds me of Preach my Gospel when it says that the missionarie's purpose is to just teach and the members do all the rest. We haven't had too many referrals from them, but they definitely are helping out a ton more!
About a week ago I got a priesthood blessing from our ward mission leader because I was just feeling really anxious about going home, and in the blessing he said, "Go to your Father in Heaven in prayer and talk to him about what the right school is to go to after your mission", or it said something along those lines. I was determined to get an answer this week as I prayed and studied the Book of Mormon. I am in 3rd Nephi chapters 4-6, and somehow when I was in those chapters the thought came to me that I could apply for the community college, and I could focus on taking institute classes for the byui pathways program and that somehow everything would work out if I didn't make it into the winter semester at byui. It was a pretty cool experience and it was definitely a testimony builder to me that no matter what your worry or concern or question may be, the Book of Mormon will without a doubt answer your question and comfort you!
Funny Moments!!
1. We were out finding on Hackbury Lane... and a lady bug flew into my mouth and I hacked it up. It was absolutely disgusting haha it was so funny though!
2. There were so many other things but I don't have time to write them down! So sorry!
That is about it for this week! It will be super exciting with Felicia being baptized and all the crazy things that are sure to pop up during the week! I love you!! Thank you for all you do!! Have the best week possible!!
Sister Rook
Exchanges last week! |
Sister Goff, Sister Collins, and Sister Hamner! |
Service for the Hinckley fam! Instead of the get 'er done guys... its the get 'er done sisters!
We built a fence!
Selfie time!
Its a good thing I still fit in my jeans! hahaha
Another one in which you can see the fence more!!
Zone Conference in Iowa!!
Council Bluffs Zone and Papillion South Zone!
This pic literally kills me hahaha i think it is SO hilarious!
Here was my crazy outfit for he week... it didn't match at all... but it was fun to wear haha
my companera and I!!!
Yay for random selfies!
Elder and Sister Henry's last day! I love and miss them so much already!
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Flu shots...yikes! |
Here is a selfie for your sunday!
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Temple trip!!!
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All the sistas!
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