Craziest Week of my ENTIRE Mission!
Hi Family!!
This week was so crazy- I feel like we had no time to do anything but at the same time so many things happened! First things first... Hector was baptized on Friday!!! President and Sister Nelson also came to our mission along with Elder and Sister Andersen, and Elder and SIster Carpenter! It was absolutely incredible!! Of course I will tell you some of the things I learned... sorry if this email is a little all over the place or a little long!
It was so incredible to be with President and Sister Nelson, Elder and Sister Andersen, and Elder and Sister Carpenter. It is amazing to see how much I learned and what insights I gained. From President Nelson, as I got to shake his hand and hear him speak it was confirmed to me that he truly is an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was incredible to be able to feel the love that my Savior has for me and for the people that we are working with- whether they be members or investigators. It helped me to recognize that I should be striving to see them as their Father in Heaven sees them and the potential they have rather than just looking at them with the eyes that I have now. Each of us has a divine destiny and I need to be looking at every person I come in contact with with that end in mind. I also loved how he talked about always being faithful to Christ. After I go home I need to make sure I am just as faithful and even more so. It is easy to be faithful to Christ on a mission, but I know it is going to be so much harder when I go home. My mission has changed me so much and I can't let all those changes go back to the way I was before. Since serving a mission I have truly been able to find myself.I have been able to experience true joy, and that is my goal now, for everyone to be able to experience that same thing. Everyone needs to know of the potential that they have, and how they can find that potential and reach it... which is through the Book of Mormon! I loved what Sister Nelson said about truly focusing on Christ in every and all thoughts that we have. It reminded me of Zone Conference and how we were talking about how our minds can not be in Babylon and then hurry and suit up to go to the City of Enoch. We need to be refocusing on Christ in every decision that we make!
I absolutely loved Elder Andersen. I loved how he talked about Mind, Heart, and Soul Knowledge and how it is not only important for us, but for our investigators as well. It truly shows the importance of learning the doctrine and having it ingrained in your soul and not just in your mind. If it is in your mind it can go away so easily but it is the opposite if it is in your soul and if you keep working toward it. I loved how Sister Andersen testified of exact obedience and the miracles that come from doing so. When you are exactly obedient you are following the Lord's will for you and you draw into your life his power. When we are exactly obedient we are showing God that we are using the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, to be our anchor in our life.
Elder and Sister Carpenter. Holy Moly. I just absolutely loved both of them. Throughout all the speakers I could feel the spirit so strongly. While they were speaking I really felt the spirit testify to me that this work is Christ's work. I am doing the exact same thing that Christ did while he was here. "We are engaged in the work of saving souls" When we truly serve with our whole heart, might, mind and soul we are able to do the things that Christ did and we are able to help his work progress.
On Friday, Hector's baptism was incredible! It was pretty stressful because a lot of people were late and so we didn't start on time but you could feel the spirit so strongly! Hector was so excited and happy he was literally beaming with Joy! Every time some one was taking a picture he would say "dip" because he was getting dipped haha it was the funniest thing in my life. It is just incredible to see how much someone can change by applying the atonement in their lives!! The ward members were so excited and willing to help as well!
I am so sorry this email is so long! Just know that Sister Banks and I are doing wonderful and I am so happy to be her companion! She is just incredible! Thank you for all you do and the support y'all give me! Thank you for being such incredible examples!!I love you so much!! Have the best week possible!!
Sister Rook
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Interviews with President Gardner and District Meeting on Wednesday! |
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Sister Monroe is wearing the dress my mom made for her! |
Dinner with the Fergason fam!
West coast represent!! California license plate!!
Selfie time!!
Before Hectors baptism!!
Brother Conway!!
We had a lesson with Hector and his cousin at the church building. It was the first time Isa had come to church before so of course we had to take a picture... and had to look "thug"
I got this disgusting spider bite on my leg. Good thing is I survived!
Hector and Brother Conway!!!
All of us!!
Last P-day we got Coldstone!
On our way home from President Nelson!!
My cute comp and I
We were matching!! haha She had yellow on her shirt, so I guess we were coordinating...
Because my mama is incredible and she makes me clothes #bestmamaever
Today during the eclipse!
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